– Fixed: An issue that could cause the app to crash on startup on some devices.
New in version 4.9:
– New: Support for App Shortcuts. Shortcuts can now be configured directly in the Shortcuts app (iOS 17+). On iOS 16 and earlier, add shortcuts via PhotoSync (Settings -> Shortcuts & Workflows).
– New: “Autotransfer” shortcut to execute Autotransfer (iOS 17+).
– New: For Autotransfer, you can specify allowed connection types (Cellular, Wi-Fi, Ethernet). Note, Autotransfer may require a VPN connection. This new ‘Connection’ setting replaces the ‘Wait for Wi-Fi’ setting.
– New: Camera Shortcut to open the PhotoSync Camera. Configure file name prefix and album name as parameters (iOS 17+).
– New: Added support for Dropbox Business.
– New: Added support for Teams/SharePoint drives in OneDrive.
– New: Added volume shutter to the PhotoSync Camera. Bluetooth remotes are also supported (requires iOS 17.2 or higher).
– New: Added self-timer option (3s, 5s, and 10 seconds) to the PhotoSync Camera.
– New: On iOS devices with multiple lenses, PhotoSync now automatically selects the best lens based on zoom, light, and distance. Adjust this in Camera settings (Configure -> Camera -> Lens Selection).
– New: New user interface in PhotoSync Camera for zooming: Allows smooth zooming and zooming while recording video. Additionally, the current zoom level is always displayed (iOS 15 and above, multi-lens devices).
– New: Option for the PhotoSync Camera to write the current date/time onto a photo. You can enable this feature under Configure -> Camera -> Write Date on Photo. Size, color, font, position, and other parameters can be specified.
– New: You can now favorite/unfavorite photos & videos directly in PhotoSync.
– New: The recording date is now displayed when viewing a photo/video in full screen.
– New: Improved support for special characters (Emoji, etc.) when transferring to SMB.
– New: Video metadata (Favorite status, Date, Tags, etc.) embedded by PhotoSync is now compatible with Windows Explorer.
– New: Added USB tethering support for Sony RX and ILCE cameras (please choose USB Mode -> PC Remote in the Camera menu).
– New: Added USB tethering support for Nikon and Fujifilm cameras.
– New: Camera Tethering (Shoot & Save) now supports HEIC/HEIF files.
– New: For SFTP connections, added support for encrypt-then-mac (ETM) MACs.
– New: Workaround for compatibility issues with Unraid SMB servers that led to errors/server core dumps.
– New: Updated FTPS implementation for enhanced compatibility.
– New: Added the UUID/GUID (%ID) of the photo/video as a custom file format variable.
– Fixed: A potential crash issue when transferring between iOS devices, when “Keep Album Structure” is enabled.
– Fixed: A crash issue when the Photo Library reported an incorrect album count.
– Fixed: Crash issues when a WebDAV server requests a client certificate, but none is configured.
– Fixed: Crash issue when uploads to pCloud do not return metadata information.
– Fixed: In some rare cases, embedding changed metadata for HEIC files could fail/lead to crashes.
– Fixed: Metadata embedding for HEIC images is now using a different method to prevent crashes.
– Fixed: Memory leak related to embedding changed metadata.
– Fixed: Memory leaks related to XMP Sidecar creation.
– Fixed: Improved error reporting for Backblaze.
– Fixed: The sync status for photos & videos is now saved more frequently to prevent information loss in case of crashes.
– Fixed: Photos & videos were sometimes marked as synced despite a “Could not read file” error.
– Fixed: Workaround for an issue where, on iOS devices without HDR support, lower quality video files were delivered by iCloud instead of the HDR/Cinematic video.
– Fixed: Issues detecting PTP/Mass-Storage mode for cameras.
– Fixed: For the video transfer setting H264+HEVC, the HEVC version was assigned to the wrong directory in some cases.
– Fixed: Issue importing encrypted files into the Photos app.
– New: The Live Photo format can now be configured for better interoperability with other platforms. The following options are available:
* Apple (2 Files): Transfers the Live Photo in Apple’s native format. A photo file (JPEG/HEIC) and a video file (MOV) will be transferred. Best suited format for Apple platforms. This is the default option.
* Motion Photo (JPEG): Transfers a JPEG file with embedded video. Best suited option for other mobile platforms and Windows computers. Note: The photo will always be converted to JPEG, and the video to H264 format.
* Apple + Motion Photo: Transfers both the Apple native format and Motion Photo.
– New: This version introduces a different unique identifier implementation for keeping track of photos that are either new or already transferred. This approach should be more reliable, even after major iOS upgrades and restores from iCloud.
– New: You can now define custom tags under Transfer Settings → Automatic Tagging → Custom Tags; these tags will be embedded as IPTC keywords.
– New: More flexibility for selecting Autotransfer source albums. Besides selecting specific user or smart albums as sources for Autotransfer, it is now also possible to include all user albums or all smart albums.
– New: For custom formats (filenames, subdirectories), string functions such as substr, replace, trim, upper, lower, and split can be used.
This advanced feature must be activated in “Expert Settings” first.
– New: You can now select a “Metadata Mode” in the transfer settings. “Standard Mode” re-encodes image data when embedding metadata, while “Lossless Mode” (experimental) preserves image data whenever possible.
– New: Added a Smart Album for “Spatial videos”. “Spatial” can now be used for automated tagging or as custom file format (%SP) for subdirectory creation.
– New: PhotoSync Camera now allows the selection of video frame rates, offering 24fps, 30fps, and 60fps options. Higher frame rates will be added in future updates.
– New: Added support for the new SmugMug API. With a SmugMug Source subscription, PhotoSync now also supports uploading RAW files.
– Fixed: When transferring files to SMB servers that do not support case-sensitive filenames, files could be overwritten.
– Fixed: An issue where the “Keep Timezone” option was not applied to the embedded changed date metadata.
– Fixed: An issue that, in certain cases, prevented the listing of shares on SMB servers.
– Fixed: Resolved crash issues that occurred during transfers when both encryption and HEIC-to-JPEG conversion were enabled.
– Fixed: Enhanced handling of the “Allow overwrite = none” setting when transferring to encrypted targets or NAS destinations with case-insensitive file systems.
– Fixed: The TIFF file format is now preserved when the “Metadata Embedding” option is enabled.
– Fixed: Transfer of files >4GB from USB cameras connected over PTP/MTP (e.g., newer GoPro Hero models).
– Fixed: Incorrectly exported rclone encryption config when filename encryption is disabled.
– Fixed: Resolves crash issues that could occur when reloading the photo library.
– Fixed: Enhanced compatibility with some WebDAV servers that support setting a custom file date.